Ohmygoshies! It has been a long time since I've last posted a proper post. I've been robbing cyberworld of my brilliance! This reminds me of Alrissa's gross simile! She was all: Your blog is as dead as a corpse floating in space! Or something along those lines. But the worst part is that she actually thinks her similes are brilliant! An example of her grossness:"I'm as cool as a cucumber in a salad bowl" Like: -.-!!!!
Moving on to more worthier topics!
I went to the library today! My first visit since God knows when. Probably three years ago. Went there to get mediator 6 but apparently the library site likes to lie! It clearly stated that it "wasnt on loan" but it wasnt there !!!! So I was thinking of reserving it but that'll cost me 1.90 :(
But as desperate as I was,I entred my IC number into the box thingy. Then when they asked me for my name I changed my mind and clicked on "go back to list" instead of "cancel application" which I should have chosen! So maybe my IC number is still there! For the world to see! Who knows what will happen?! Maybe tomorrow the police will come knocking on my door to arrest me for ,errr, buying drugs or something! &everyone knows that that won't look good on my future college application! But if the policeman was oh-so-dreamy Nicholas(aka 8.5!) he can arrest me anyday! Kinda.
Okay maybe not. College is way more important than Nicky poo(heh)!
Just realised a few days back that the twilight soundtrack is actually pretty good! Aunty Lorna thinks I'm really out-dated but it aint my fault! Blame stupid(but really hot) RobP for sounding incoherent on his track!
Oh! I have twitter now! I made it quite long ago but only just started updating it! Who knew posting short,random rubbish was so fun!
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron And Wine is AWESOME! Despite the weird name. I mean, who names songs after birds and mouths? One particular lyric reminds me of rebecca: I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins !
Dang I actually thought it was " quick FAT boy" but it isnt. grrr.
Only two more weeks of holidays left :(